Wide-Field Fluorescence Microscope (upright stand)

Nikon Eclipse 80i


Contact: Tomasz Węgierski

Access: training required

Access fee for academic users: 50 PLN net per hour

Access fee for commercial users: 100 PLN net per hour

General Description

Wide-field fluorescence microscope on upright stand for monochromatic imaging of fluorescence and transmitted-light color imaging. Illumination with 100 W mercury lamp or halogen lamp. Four spectral channels: DAPI, FITC, mCherry/Texas Red, and Cy5. Lenses: 2×, 4×, 10×, 20×, 40× (all dry), 40× oil, 60× oil and 100× oil. Phase-contrast on some lenses. Monochromatic CCD camera with an optional RGB filter wheel. Motorized XYZ axes, manual objective revolver and filter wheel. Acquisition software: Image-Pro Plus 7.0. 


  • Wide-field observation and imaging of fluorescent samples
  • Mosaic imaging of histological sections in transmitted-light

Sample preparation

No special requirements for sample preparation.