Olympus IX70


Contact: Tomasz Węgierski

Access: training recommended but not required

General Description

Wide-field manual fluorescence microscope on inverted stand for viewing and imaging of fluorescently-labeled samples. Illumination with 100 W mercury lamp or halogen lamp. Four filter cubes: blue, green, red and “white-light” cube to be used with CFP/YFP/dsRed excitation filters or for transmitted light. Lenses: 10×, 20×, 40× (all dry), and 100× oil. Phase-contrast on 10–40× lenses. Monochromatic CCD camera. Acquisition software: AnalySIS.


  • Observation and imaging of cells on slides and cell culture dishes, e.g. after transfection

Sample preparation

No special requirements for sample preparation. For 10× and 20× lenses, the cells can be in standard cell-culture dishes.