Andor Revolutions XD


Contact: Tomasz Węgierski

Access: training required

Access fee for academic users: 125 PLN net per hour

Access fee for commercial users: 250 PLN net per hour

General Description

Spinning-disc (Yokogawa CSU-X1) and TIRF (Zeiss, manual illuminator) imaging system on inverted stand. Lasers: 405, 488, 561, and 640 nm. Three front-illuminated EM-CCD Andor cameras. Lenses: 20×/0.5 (dry), 20×/0.75 (dry), 40×/1.3 (oil), 63×/1.4 (oil), 100×/1.46 (oil).  Incubation cage and heating insert with CO2 delivery for live imaging. Hardware autofocus. Motorized XY stage and Piezo Z insert. Acquisition software: IQ3. 


  • Fast confocal volumetric imaging of fluorescently labeled live specimens (spinning-disc, Z piezo)
  • Imaging of endocytosis (TIRF with 100×/1.46 lens)
  • FRAP and photoactivation (FRAPPA module)
  • Ca2+ imaging with Fura-2 (“Fluar” lenses 20×/0.75 and 40×/1.3)
  • Imaging at enhanced resolution (offline SRRF processing)

Sample preparation

Samples must be on glass coverslips for imaging with lenses 20×/0.75 and 40× – 100× (e.g. slides, 35-mm petri dishes with glass bottom, 40-mm Warner Instruments chambers). TIRF requires samples in aqueous media on high-quality 0.17 µm (“1.5H”) coverslip dishes. Dry lens 20×/0.5 might also be tried with samples on thicker glass/plastic dishes (thickness must be less than 2 mm). No special requirements for fluorescent dyes.